Both of my sons who are away at college attend universities that are now closed because of two different hurricanes, Katrina in Louisiana and Ophelia in North Carolina. I couldn't make this stuff up. Now, it doesn't look to me like Ophelia, who's still making up her mind whether to be or not to be a hurricane, is going to do the kind of damage that Katrina did, thank God, but she does bear some frightful resemblance to Floyd, remembered for pouring so much rain on coastal Carolina, particularly the lovely town of Wilmington, that there was considerable flooding, which created a genuine emergency. Still, at least as it stands now, it doesn't look like my firstborn is planning to come home. Actually, he's been uncharacteristically quiet over the last twenty-four hours, since he called in his excitement yesterday just after noon to see if what he'd heard on campus was correct. I confirmed that his one o'clock class, test included, was indeed cancelled. I did ask him where he planned to weather the storm and he replied, "Probably a bar, Mom. The Falcons are on Monday Night Football!" I shook my head in sad amazement, and replied, "No, the storm, where are you planning to be for the storm when it comes?" He laughed and said, "I don't know," as if it was a ridiculous question. The beauty and blessings of parenthood. May he be safe.
I suppose I am glad that he's not planning on coming home because, with Loyola boy back in the nest, there is not much room in this little inn, even in the new, bigger apartment, which, by the way, is still awash in boxes. I'm getting there, though, a little bit at a time, moving at Ophelia speed, I suppose.
I found this ironic blurb on the "Breaking News" link from the UNCW homepage:
A panel discussion - Understanding Hurricanes: What You Can Do, previously scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 14 has been rescheduled for 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21 in UU 100.
I really, really, really couldn't make this stuff up.
Update: He promises that they will fill the bathtubs with water and have plenty of the important provisions. If all of that fails, they will have a boat in the front yard. O-K.
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