Wednesday, December 28, 2011

November Dispatches & Cheese 11/22/05

It's the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend and this morning, I found myself gloriously alone. It doesn't happen all that often, and I should be careful what I wish for because I know that soon my boys will all have flown the coop and my nest will be terribly empty. I know that I will miss the chaos and energy of having them, and their accompanying friends, in residence, but I've always liked time alone. I'm an outgoing person (hyperactive?), and I am blessed with a life full of interesting people, but I have never minded being alone, going out alone, eating in restaurants alone, traveling alone (particularly exhilarating). In the time it took to write this, my oldest arrived.


I like the fact that my job, which I've had since early last February, has forced me to work in Excel. I wish I was better at it. Obviously, I don't wish it that much, or I would read a book or check out an online tutorial to get better at it. I am much more comfortable working in Word or PowerPoint or even FrontPage. My favorite thing about Excel is that, sometimes, after hours and hours of working in it, I start to see the grid separate from the values, like 3D. That means it's time to do something else.


I walked out onto the balcony earlier to look at the morning, which was absolutely beautiful, and heard someone in the distance, splitting wood, using a wedge. Before I married, I lived alone for seven years. The last four of those years and the first three and a half years of my marriage, I lived in a lovely little house on a hilltop acre. It had three rooms and two of them had fireplaces, which were always blazing in the winter when I was home. I bought my wood by the cord and split it myself, using a maul, no wedge. I haven't split wood in years, but remember it fondly, as something requiring more finesse than power.  My brother-in-law taught me how, over the telephone (something to see). I'll never forget the exhilaration of seeing the wood pop into pieces after I swung my maul. I wonder if I could still do it.




                                                              Brie Before Baking                                                         Brie During Eating


It's almost time for the oldest to return to his home in North Carolina. I'm going to miss him. He's not often home for long anymore. He could end up here after graduation, but is looking for jobs without regard to geography, so he could end up somewhere else as well. I have to confess that I feel a little guilty about so enjoying having my middle son home, unexpectedly, this fall, courtesy of Katrina. I will miss him terribly when he returns to New Orleans. I'm glad it's not going to be tomorrow. It can get confusing.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend and that all of you who are traveling have a safe trip home!


Pssssttt.... Rosebud & Sherck: Since you asked, and if you'll promise never, never to tell anyone, and keep this a SECRET, it's pecan powder. When I first started using it in them, years ago, it was a by-product of my smashing pecans in a baggie with a hammer to make pecan pieces. Then I started pulverizing them into a powder on purpose because it added such a nice, er, nutty, flavor. Now you can even just buy the powder in the store, so I guess it's not that big of a secret after all. I don't have a specific amount, but just add it generously to the dough, to taste.

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