Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marching against violence 1/11/07

Today they are marching in New Orleans, citizen activists, Katrina dissidents, galvanized by the overwhelming desire to force the officials to lead in the fight against crime or step aside so that New Orleans can be a safe place to live, work, raise a family or attend college. Bloggers Karen Gadbois and Bart Everson will be speaking at the rally at City Hall. Alan Gutierrez of ThinkNOLA said it yesterday in a group email and I'm echoing his sentiments today in this short update post:

I am so proud to know these people!

Adrastos has the nuts 'n' bolts as well as the customary witty repartee to be found in the comments. Don't miss it. Peace, out, ya'll.

Update: WWL-TV is reporting "thousands marching on City Hall"!

Additional Update: Pics of the March and Rally can be found here.  Video of the speeches is at (click on "multimedia"). Here's the You Tube version of Bart's interview with Anderson Cooper on last night's 360.

Last, last update: Maitri has a great compilation of the national media, the NOLA bloggers and the various audio, video and still pictures available of yesterday's march and rally here.

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