Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going Home 2/13/07

I try not to write too much here about my work at the KSDCo. While I might joke about needing a reason to leave, I would really like to keep both my job and my blog, which is why I mostly write on weekends. Honestly, I don't mind so much going to work recently. I feel connected to the people where I work, a sense of loyalty to them, a desire to see them happy and prosperous and well. Like everything, people get sick, we all have our own complicated lives and together we've managed to successfully take this company through an intense period of constant growth. It looks to me like the bird is going to continue to fly but some days are harder than others, and I don't mean busier, just harder, more poignant, more nuanced.

Yesterday was one of those days. I felt heavy and sad as I left just after 6:00, as if I needed to cry, something I seem to have taken up recently, after a very long haitus. As I curved through old Chamblee, I looked up and saw a very remarkable sky. It was still a little light and the western horizon was glowing but it deepened into darker blue as it rose in the sky and from a seeminly certain point beyond the forested and developed ridge that constituted the horizon there arose feathery dark gray clouds, wisps of black swooshing up and out like the rays of a stylized sun, only black, as if in shadow. It was beautiful.

After settling into the chaos that is my home, I stepped out onto our little porch to look at the woods and through the trees I saw what I thought at first to be a large airplane in the sky through the skeletons of the trees, maybe a transport taking off to the east out of Dobbins Air Force Base, but it wasn't moving. Finally, I realized it was a spectacular Venus illuminating the evening sky like a small moon, spectacularly, even from my perspective deep in a forested ravine.

Today they're taking Sean home. His brother arrived yesterday, again returned from his duty in Iraq to be with his family. The treatment isn't helping and Sean in a great deal of pain, but he is lucid and understands what is happening. My dear Oldest is going to let me know his plans today, but I expect he'll head up to North Carolina. I want to thank all of you who have offered such sweet and loving support. Please continue to remember Sean and all those who love him in your prayers. It's so sad.

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