Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Search, hope and sadness 2/4/07

If my webstats are any indication, I am afraid there has been some sort of recent epidemic of beer freezing, because in the last thirty-six hours my blog has been accessed eight times by different people searching for some variation on the terms frozen beer. Unfortunately, as so often happens with search, if they were looking for any kind of meaningful instruction, they didn't find it here (beyond my decision to drink it anyway). Also, while it may not be the case tomorrow, as of today, DotCalm is the top return on Google when you search for Media Blips. I guess it's the little things.

With good news and bad news, I'm feeling at a loss for words today, unsure of how to say what I need to say, so this is likely to be an uninspired and matter-of-fact post. I'll try to do better next time. I had an interesting and intense week last week, very busy at the KnockingShitDownCo, and something kind of snuck up on me: my last basketball. Thursday and Saturday, The Youngest played his last high school basketball games, my last basketball games as a parent, and it's just that I've enjoyed it so much, watching him play, watching his brothers play sports and music before him, watching them all grow up so beautifully, and I'm just so sorry that it's over and that I won't be watching him ever play organized basketball again. As we got in our respective cars after the last game, I called to him, with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, "Thank you, Youngest, I've loved watching you play basketball." He smiled and said, "You're welcome, Mom, I know."

The good news, the very best news, is that his father signed a three month consulting agreement with a terrific company that does exactly what he does, that narrow little sliver of highly specialized marketing in which he has a gift and a handful of patents. It has been a very long time since he's had a chance like this to sell our patented product supported by a strong execution partner with the infrastructure and expertise to provide for clients a complete solution. He had been working informally with this company for a while and, after going through a number of high-level client interactions and a modest negotiation, they agreed on the terms under which they would engage. I'm hoping that, after their little engagement, a long and mutually profitable marriage will result.

Finally, and most importantly, I need to ask for your prayers. I've done this once before, but The Oldest's dear friend, Sean, is extremely ill in a Chapel Hill hospital, suffering from complications that arose as he was preparing for a bone marrow transplant. Sean was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer just a year ago, less than a month after his graduation from UNCW and has been undergoing treatment since. The Oldest is heading up there tomorrow, at the recommendation of Sean's father, picking up another friend in Charlotte on the way, expecting that they are going to say good-bye. A bright and beautiful light is flickering and my heart is so heavy. I went a long time through a great deal of difficulty during the collapse of my marriage without being able to cry. Now I don't seem to be able to stop. Please, those of you who are inclined to pray, please remember our dear Sean and his family in your prayers. 


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